RS Elite sailing in Strangford Lough Yacht Club, United Kingdom

Nestled on the western shore of Strangford Lough lies SLYC, and for the past 10 years, an Elite fleet.
With fantastic facilities comprising a crane and pontoons, the elite fleet are also spoilt on the water with a race area a few minutes sail from the moorings.
The race area is sheltered and not especially tidal, so racing is always very tight.
Racing comprises a May “early series” with two races per day for 4 successive Saturday afternoons.
Club racing kicks off on Thursday evenings in May and lasts through to September.
There are local regattas every Saturday in July & August.
The highlight of the season is the traditional “frostie” series, held each September & October.
With two races per day every Saturday in September and October, it not only attracts elites but also more than 50 irc and cruisers.

SLYC currently has six elites and plans to build the fleet in the coming years.RS Elite fleet contact: Mark Fletcher

Strangford Lough Yacht Club websiteSLYC:


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